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[photo, Maryland Environmental Service, 259 Najoles Road, Millersville, Maryland]
  • Independent Agencies
  • Independent Agencies: Budgets
  • Independent Agencies: Defunct Units
  • Independent Agencies: Organizational Charts
  • Independent Agencies: Origin & Functions
  • Independent Agencies: Reports (mandated)
  • Maryland Environmental Service, 259 Najoles Road, Millersville, Maryland, August 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

    In Maryland, independent agencies are part of the executive branch of government. They are those offices, commissions, boards, departments, and other agencies of State government established by statute as independent units of government.

    Generally, the law creating an independent agency originates with the General Assembly, but occasionally an agency is formed pursuant to a mandate of the United States Congress. While statutorily distinct from principal departments of State government, independent agencies may receive budgetary or administrative support from them.

    For private agencies with government boards, see Private Agencies with Government Boards

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